The Tel Aviv Biennale of Crafts and Design 2023

The Tel Aviv Biennale of Crafts and Design 2023

The Tel Aviv Biennale of Crafts and Design 2023 at the MUZA, Eretz Israel Museum has opened its doors on 30 March, showcasing an up-to-date picture of contemporary crafts and design in Israel. This year, the event has been extended to include 30 international artists whose work responds to ancient cultures and traditions. Curated by Kevin Murray, editor of Garland magazine, the international component acknowledges the mutual respect drawn from the realization that no culture is complete to itself, and that intercultural encounters are necessary to help us learn of important perspectives beyond our own.

Among the international artists is Vipoo Srivilasa, an Australian artist of Thai heritage, presenting his Wellness Deity series. The series is Srivilasa's response to the challenging experience of pandemic lockdown in Melbourne during 2020 - 2021.

The project invited people to reflect on the pandemic by asking them to imagine and draw a deity character, a being that has a protective super-power to do battle with the effects of Covid-19, to literally make people well!


A Practice with Positivity


VACS Major Commissioning