Water Spirit 2014

Northern Clay Centre, Minneapolis, USA
14 March - 14 April 2014

Mythology Meets Archetype was curated by Heather Nameth Bren, for the Northern Clay Centre exhibition program. The exhibition responded to personal, cultural, and religious myths that have grown out of the desire to know (or the posture to know) the unknowable.

As artist in residence at the Centre, Srivilasa engaged his public-driven art practice to create a community-based work entitled Water Spirit. for the exhibition.

Srivilasa began with a series of clay workshops during which local community members were invited to make underwater creatures in clay. Northern Clay Centre is in Minneapolis, a city abundant in lakes, wetlands, creeks, waterfalls, and the Mississippi River. Participants were asked about mythical water creatures from their childhood or cultural background. Their challenge was to design a creature that had been forced to adapt to the realities of and aquatic life in the big city of Minneapolis.


Collective Reef 2015


Home 2013